The Ancient One

The Ancient of Days
The Ancient of Days

He’s just a Deity whose milieu beyond the sky

To the scientist
He’s the exact Comprehension of the incomprehensible

To the transgressor
He’s the Light of the world

To the perturbed
He’s the Prince of peace

To the athirst
He’s the Living water

To the guard
He’s the Bright Morning Star

To the goatherd
He’s the Good Shepherd

To the rock hound
He’s the Rock of ages

To the scribe
He’s the author and finisher of their faith

To the juridical order
He’s the True and Righteous Judge

To the medics
He’s the Great Physician

How you’ve branded Him
Counts less than your consciousness
Of His Love and Presence in your existence

For your sake He was obedient to the point of death
He that summons all the celestial beings by name is not capable of forgetting you